Geolocation Services
PickPoint offers a range of valuable tools to enhance your software's interaction with geographic data. As the digital world becomes increasingly location-aware, integrating precise and reliable geographic functionalities into your applications can be a game-changer. With PickPoint's suite of services, developers can effortlessly tap into features such as geocoding, reverse geocoding, and optimized routing. These tools not only simplify complex geospatial tasks but also empower businesses to provide enriched user experiences, streamline operations, and unlock new potentials in location-based analytics. Whether you're building a delivery app, a real estate platform, or any software that leans on geographical insights, PickPoint is the trusted partner to elevate your geospatial capabilities.
Our geocoding service will help you to convert human-readable addresses to geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) and vise versa. For example, if you have a database with previously filled addresses of your contacts (customers) and you need to reflect their location on a map you can use Forward Geocoding feature. Another case is when you need to make a report with human-readable addresses from a digital data (latitude and longitude) gathered by your mobile devices you can use Reverse Geocoding for that.
We introduce powerful Routing Service which can build a smart route between of 2 or more locations for different kinds of driver - car, bicycle, taxi, truck, bus and even pedestrian according to the map restrictions and target reachability. The API provides multiple flexible parameters for solving any kind of routing problem. For example, it takes into account cross-border trips where using specific params you can control an ability to cross country boundaries. If you plan to build a delivery service then you can use Optimized Route feature. With this feature you can build optimized route for a few locations that should be visited by a courier.
Address Search
Everytime when you need to quickly input your address you can use our Address Search feature. This feature can empower your application with address autocomplete ability.
Also, you can receive information on previously located geo-objects by using their identifiers with Address Lookup feature.
API Reference
We prepared exhausting API documentation for our services. Our API supports OpenAPI standard version 3.0. You can use the playground at the place and try all the features we offer. For making any test requests you need to have API key, for that you should Sign Up. Also, you can export Swagger documentation and use it somewhere else, i.e. in Postman or SwaggerHub to debug and save requests for your project.
To help you get familiar with our service's functions, we created GEO LAB. Here you can make various requests to our service and see how data appears on the map. You can access GEO LAB from your dashboard after signing in.
GEO LAB provides you with a testing ground for all kinds of geocoding request scenarios. To choose the request type use the drop-down list:
- Name to Point – a forward geocoding request, resulting in a list of geo-objects.
- Name to Polygon – another forward geocoding request, resulting in a set of points, forming a boundary around an identified geo-object.
- Point to Country - a reverse geocoding request that tells you which country the specified point belongs to.
- Autocomplete - address search request where you can try typehead search, like "United New Y".
- Route - simple routing request between 2 points.
- Where am I - this request provides detailed information about specific streets and intersections near the two input locations.
After choosing the request type you can edit its parameters in the corresponding section. For some requests you will be shown a map where you can put a geo-marker.
To run a request, use the 'RUN' button. The results will be shown below in JSON format. The 'MAP VIEW' button will show the results on the map if the resulting data format allows for it.
After you have finished working on your request, you can copy its source code from the 'Code' panel and use it in your application. The source code is available in four languages:
- cURL
- Ruby
- JS
- Python
User Account
Working with our service starts with creating your user account. To do so, please click the 'Sign In' button in the upper right corner of our website. When you enter the dashboard for the first time, you will be forwarded to a page where you will be asked to enter your login and password. To create a new account, please click the "Create your free account" link, fill in the form, agree to the Terms of Service by checking the checkbox, and click the 'Sign Up' button.
The system will send an activation link to your email. Please follow that link to confirm your email address. Sometimes this may take a few minutes to get delivered, depending on the performance of email servers. If you don't see our email in your inbox, please check your spam box as well, since spam filters may accidentally put it there.
Dashboard lets you manage your account: change your subscription, edit personal information, configure your email notifications, and link and manage your bank cards used to pay for the service. Here you also can see your user statistics and experiment with geocoding in GEO LAB.
API Key is used to call geocoding functions. To see the whole list of available functions, please refer to the API Reference section. You can find your API Key in the Subscription menu. Use the 'Reset' button if you need to reset your API Key. A confirmation message will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to reset your key. After you confirm the reset, you will see your new API Key. Please note that your old key will not work after you get the new one, so make sure you change your key in all applications that use geocoding API.
Changing the Subscription Plan
You can see your subscription details under 'Parameters' in the Subscription section. Here you can see your current subscription plan and status.
To change your subscription plan, click on the 'Change' link next to your current plan's information. You will be forwarded to the Change Plan page, where you can choose a new subscription plan and confirm your choice by clicking 'Save'.
PickPoint billing system is fully managed by Stripe. When you decided to upgrade your Trial subscription you'll be redirected to Stripe payment page. Further payments will be processed automatically by Stripe. If you need to change your payment method or get billing data like invoices, extra calls utilization, etc then you can reach your billing details here using "Manage Billing" button.
Changing User Profile
You can change your profile information by pressing the pencil icon under 'Parameters' panel in your Profile. Don't forget to hit the 'Save' button to save your changes.
Profile Settings
Let's discuss the options in the 'Settings' section of the Profile menu:
- Allow extra calls - this option turns on/off your ability to send extra requests that are available in subscription plans with extra calls. If your subscription plan allows for sending such requests, but you don't want to use them, you can turn this option off. It is turned on by default.
- Receive account alerts - when this option is turned on, the system will send you notifications N days prior to subscription payment dates, and if payment attempts are unsuccessful.
- Receive PickPoint announcements – if you don't want to receive news about new features and changes in our service, you can turn off the PickPoint announcements.