PickPoint API (v2)

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This section provides an overview of the PickPoint API V2, aimed at developers who are integrating their applications or servers with the PickPoint geocoding platform. To begin using the API, you must first create an account. For a quick introduction to our service, please consult the Getting Started section. To start experimenting, all you need is a tool capable of sending HTTP requests, such as a web browser's address bar. Additionally, you can utilize GEO LAB, accessible from your account dashboard, for further experimentation.


What is Geocoding?
Geocoding involves converting a physical address into exact geographical coordinates, usually in terms of latitude and longitude. This process allows for the accurate pinpointing and depiction of a particular location on a map. Through transforming addresses into coordinates, geocoding aids in spatial analysis, mapping, and incorporating location-based data into diverse applications.

How Does Geocoding Work?
Geocoding relies on a combination of address databases, reference data, and algorithms. Geocoding service takes an address as input and uses sophisticated algorithms to match it with known locations.

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